LCCH’s Vertical Farms

Vertical Farming Vision

Vertical farming is a way of growing food in vertically stacked layers in a controlled environment to maximize space and resource efficiency. We believe in a low-tech, labour-intensive approach to vertical farming. Low-tech labour-intensive production makes the experience community based, user-friendly and accessible for everyone. Regular gardening is an example of low-tech labour-intensive production. This strategy allows residents to engage in community common causes such as: local food production, contributing to economic activity, food security and food sovereignty. We believe that the unique combination of attainable at cost co-op housing combined with vertical farming requiring planning, cultivation, and harvesting provides residents not only closer and more harmonious relationships with nature, each other, and the wider community, but tangible satisfaction of their inclusion within it and direct benefits they can see on their plates and in their pocketbooks.

Food Production Processes and Regulations

Beyond the development of the indoor farming facility, equipment details and production methods a successful farming operation requires coordination of workers. A resident-based indoor farm co-op with professional staff might best manage the division of responsibilities, labour qualifications, external resource requirements, and financial reporting required for a sustainable operation. Food production also requires adherence to Canadian and provincial guidelines. Regulatory compliance will be key as the project encompasses both an affordable housing component and an integrated vertical farming component. PHP can lead the development of a comprehensive Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) project design, implementation approach, and risk mitigation plan including operational and regulatory requirements. 

Planetary Harvest Project's (PHP) REVI System

Planetary Harvest Project has designed a low-tech labour-intensive approach to vertical farming whether it is housed fully indoors or in a rooftop greenhouse. The REVI system is familiar and intuitive and literally brings backyard gardening indoors for any skill level. No special tools or skills are required to plant, cultivate, and harvest the produce. Leafy greens, herbs, root vegetables and specialty plants are possible with REVI due to its similarity to outdoor gardening. REVI’s granular carbon media (resembling soil), lighting, irrigation and fertilization are all easily managed by residents and requires no digital system or computer training. Planetary Harvest’s REVI system enables:

  • Revenue Generation: Indoor farming will create revenue streams by selling surplus produce to the local community. This revenue can be used to offset living costs, including mortgage payments and utility bills. 
  • Job Creation: The indoor Farm creates opportunities for part-time employment, empowering cooperative members with jobs and contributing to local economic development. 
  • Nutritional Food Production: The REVI system will ensure a consistent supply of fresh and nutritional food, promoting healthier lifestyles for cooperative members. 
  • Education: The system can provide educational resources on sustainable living practices, gardening, and nutrition, fostering a culture of learning and self-sufficiency.
  • Community Building: An indoor farm can become a positive focal point for community activities and gatherings, further strengthening social bonds while giving tangible and intangible benefits.

Indoor Farm and Landscape Features

Our LCCH project represents a Canadian first of its kind Co-operative that integrates a full scale commercial indoor farm, as a common Co-op cause, contributing to member and local food security and sovereignty. The indoor farm utilizes simplified, manual processes that are functional and user-friendly.

Air quality

Spent air from LCCH members will be routed to the indoor farm for CO2 capture before being vented out as oxygen enriched air. Energy savings in both summer and winter can be realized by utilizing the pre-conditioned residential air exhaust within the indoor farm and vice versa. This is a potential area for energy and carbon reduction though HVAC integration

Low Carbon Food Transportation

Transportation of food into the City of Kingston generates significant greenhouse gas emissions, and with rising populations, creating more emissions.1 LCCH is a full commercial scale vertical farm able to directly serve members, neighbours and the community with minimal transportation.

Architectural Features

Our design will incorporate major features such as maximizing space usage, green courtyards, accessible community spaces, and a vertical farm, among others. Each feature will contribute to the building’s overall appeal and functionality, ensuring the fulfillment of our vision.

Organic Farm Waste Composting

The City of Kingston has a goal for diverting organic waste away from landfills.1,2 The LCCH indoor farm will compost all of its non-edible or unharvested planting material through a thermal digestor system for re-use within the indoor farm and residential planter boxes.

Waste heat sharing:

The waste heat generated by the indoor farm lighting and HVAC operations can be efficiently shared, similar to district heating, with the residential areas of the building contributing to overall sustainability and cost effectiveness of the integrated co-op.

Architectural Features

Our design will incorporate major features such as maximizing space usage, green courtyards, accessible community spaces, and a vertical farm, among others. Each feature will contribute to the building’s overall appeal and functionality, ensuring the fulfillment of our vision.

Indoor farm waste recycling

The indoor farm systems to be used will incorporate material re-use, recycling, and waste minimization processes.2

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